Shrink Wrap Containment for Roof Protection

May 16th 2019

National Park Services Building in Santa Fe, NM

National Park Services Building in Santa Fe, NM

Pro-Tect would proudly like to announce the completion of the central region’s first heat shrink wrap containment job! We used a white flame retardant film to insure the building was a safe and cool work environment for workers.

The Pro-Tect’s central region has completed a large roof covering job in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The historic National Park Service building was surrounded by protected vegetation that prohibited using man lifts intensifying difficulty of the job. With a crew of five, trained and aided by two Pro-Tect specialists, the roof protection job was completed on time and in budget.

Underneath the 29,000 sqft roof cover with one of our tech reps

Underneath the 29,000 sqft roof cover with one of our tech reps

Shrink wrap film is tricky on just roof covers. Be sure to give a call to professionals before attempting because a piece of shrink wrap plastic can take off like a kite if not properly secured and shrunk.
Santa fe under plastic coverUnderneath the 29,000 sqft roof cover with one of our tech reps

We would like to thank BrandSafway for a great heat shrink film project and look forward to working with your crews again.

If you have an upcoming project that could benefit from shrink wrap containment, please contact us for a free and fast quote.

800-889-WRAP (9727)