Black Plastic Mulch Film


$122.00 - $198.00
105.00 LBS
Roll Sizes of 36" or 48" x 4000'/ Mil 1.00/ Black/Black
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Using Black Plastic Agricultural Mulch Film in a Greenhouse
The use of black plastic mulch film in greenhouses has exploded in popularity. Black agricultural mulch film is usually used in a greenhouse for spring-seeded crops. Black plastic mulch can increase soil temperatures by about 5ºF. Black mulches absorb heat from sunlight and transfer it to the soil for a warming effect. Black plastic mulch also helps farmers and small growers reduce weed growth by blocking light. At Pro-Tect Plastics, we have the best black plastic mulch for sale that can provide solutions to your temperature control and weed issues.

Using Agricultural Mulch Film to Increase Crop Yield 

For over 50 years, vegetable farmers have profited from using black plastic mulch film as a way to stimulate growth, reduce weed proliferation and crop damage and to manage drought. Those using plastic mulch commercially have reported higher crop yields and enhanced quality control with results that can be duplicated in the field. For instance, red or black plastic mulch has shown to increase yields in tomatoes by 20%, and even more dramatic results growing onions with plastic mulch have been obtained. Today, black plastic mulch is widely used to improve melon and watermelon yield and quality. Rigorous studies attest to the growing method that farmers practice everywhere, that agricultural mulch film works in large-scale operations and has the potential to generate more profit. 

And not surprisingly, enterprising farmers have discovered that hemp thrives especially well when surrounded by black plastic mulch film in a raised bed environment. For farmers considering hemp, there couldn't be a better time to reserve some acreage for hemp production because the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 and U.S. Farm Bill of 2019 have elevated hemp cultivation to a legal reality. Now more than ever, the time is ripe to make agricultural mulch film the foundation of your growth. Whether you choose the standard black or biodegradable agricultural mulch film, your investment is directly tied to the improvement of your crops and will over time easily pay for itself. And whether you're growing for cannabidiol acid, seed or hemp fiber, plastic mulch film is the smart way to go in the changeable and competitive cannabis growing trade. The legalization of hemp products nationwide has opened the door for Oregon and California landowners and farmers to cultivate high yield  crops. The basics start right here at Pro-Tect with agricultural black plastic mulch and drip lining tubes to get your raised beds laid down in time. 

FACTS: Black Plastic Mulch Film 101

According to some farmers, black plastic mulch can result in 2 to 14 days earlier harvest. The early growth is due in part to a boost in solar radiation absorbed by the plastic and transferred to the soil as heat; the plastic mulching then blocks light to weeds which virtually eliminates maintenance. With the rise in heat, the black or biodegradable plastic mulch film is nearly impervious to carbon dioxide (CO2). High levels of CO2 build up under the plastic film which is forced through openings around the roots resulting in localized concentrations of rich CO2.

Benefits of “Embossed” (textured) film

A particularly useful kind of agricultural mulch film is known as embossed mulch and is most commonly used for high valued crops all over the world. Embossed films have visible diamond shapes that give a wrinkle look to it. The diamond shapes make the plastic resistant to wind damage, punctures and all the things that can happen in a grow season. Non-textured (embossed) types of plastic mulch for sale lack tensile strength compared to our embossed black plastic mulch for sale. Because the embossed variety of black plastic mulching can save up to 50% of the water used in growing while increasing yields, it's important to plant in areas where there's good drainage since plastic mulch has a capacity to hold moisture.

Black on black mulch film comes in a 1 to 1.5 mil thickness. Pro-Tect Plastic has found value in being a black plastic mulch supplier to local hemp farmers in the Rogue River Valley because it's effective and affordable. 

Embossed films in stock

We will be stocking the 4’x4000’ 1 mil black/black embossed film here in our Southern Oregon location. Available for free pick up or same day shipping at no additional charge. Give us a call to talk to an expert. 800-889-WRAP (9727). We carry in stock embossed 4’ x 4000’ foot 1 mil black/black film, but have access to different mil thicknesses, roll widths, colors, lengths and biodegradable mulch film. 

Getting Set Up

After the field is plowed and disked, a tractor with an attached raised bed layer like the RB-448 starts by planting the rows. The raised bed layer lifts the dirt and folds the plastic vertically down, propping the dirt up 6 to 8 inches off the ground while keeping it in place with the help of the plastic. This keeps the valuable hemp crop off the ground producing premium flowers which return higher prices at market. The machine also puts the drip line in place under the mulch.